Cycle Route from Stanford to Faringdon
In the Public Consultation survey last year over 70% of those who responded believed there was a need for better cycleways in and around Stanford. Many mentioned the need for a safe cycle route from Stanford to Faringdon and Wantage. The A417 is a barrier to cycling around the village and is likely to get busier with more development in the area. The NPSC has produced an outline plan for a segregated cycleway from Stanford to the A420 Stanford Road roundabout at Faringdon. It has also looked at options for expanding to route from Stanford to link up with Park Lane which would give access to Charney Bassett, Goosey, Denchworth and, via Grove, to Wantage.
Proposed Stanford Cycle Route from Stanford to Faringdon
The cycleway to Faringdon is proposed in three phases:-
- Phase 1 runs alongside the A417 from the High Street to Cottage Road. This involves upgrading the existing footpath to shared use and would be relatively straightforward to implement.
- Phase 2 runs along the bridleway to the north of Cottage Road to the community woodland and then around the back of the Recycling Facility to the Shellingford crossroads. There are two options for reaching the B4508.
- Phase 3 then runs along the wide verge on the west side of the A417 from the Shellingford crossroads to the A420 Stanford Road roundabout. Assuming that a safe crossing of the A420 can be created, this gives access to Faringdon via Stanford Road alongside Folly Hill.
Access from the High Street to Park Lane is a more difficult issue The pavement along the A417 is too narrow and dangerous for cycling. It also runs out at Stanford Mill before the bridge. If we can access Park Lane there is a relatively safe route via Milliway/Cow Lane, Denchworth and Grove to Wantage, avoiding the A417. Two options have been suggested between the High Street and Park Lane. Both would be subject to landowners’ consent.
- Option 1 runs from the south end of Marlborough Lane along the footpath over the River Ock and across the fields to the gateway with Park Lane. This would require a substantial rebuild of the existing footpath and a replacement bridge. It would also require the upgrade of the footpath to bridleway status.
- Option 2 would create a new route from the High Street along (or alongside) the access road to the Treatment Works and then across the fields over the River Ock to Park Lane. This would require a completely new path and bridge.
Overall feedback to the proposal at the Drop-In Session was highly positive.
Public Feedback on Proposed Cycle Route
If you would like to comment on this idea or can help in developing it into a more firm proposal please e-mail