West Side Public Consultation
200 homes on the way…
Last chance to have a say!
Early in 2014 Vale of White Hose District Council (VWHDC) proposed a Strategic Site for 290 new homes West of the A417.
Your Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee and Parish Council lobbied to get this number reduced and in response VWHDC have now proposed a reduction to 200 homes.
You can still object to this site when the VWHDC carries out its own Public Consultation in November. Check for details at www.whitehorsedc.gov.uk.
However, even if there is a lot of opposition, the 200 home site may still be imposed upon us so we should hope for the best but plan for the worst. We believe that VWHDC will be influenced by the results of a Public Consultation. Therefore we have a last opportunity to influence how the site looks and what benefits the Parish may get if we must have a Strategic Site. We must act fast to submit our views back to VWHDC before their mid-December deadline.
Your Neighbourhood Plan Steering Committee have considered many options for the 200 home site. We need to know which enjoy majority support so we can tell VWHDC and have organised a number of events to both inform – and hear your views.
Saturday 1st November for 3 weeks – Public Exhibitions
See and comment on the options for the 200 home site West of the A417
- Football Club (Cottage Road)
- Huddle Cafe (High Street)
- Horse & Jockey (A417)
Sunday 23rd November – Public Meeting and Vote
4:00pm at the Village Hall
Run by an independent body – ORCC (Oxfordshire Rural Community Council). There will be a presentation and Q&A session on the options for the 200 home site, followed by the opportunity to vote on your preferred options.
Important – in order to vote you must attend this meeting.